So I have been tagged twice and feel obligated to do them when I am tagged.
Husband Tag - A great chance to get to know Jeramie
1. Where did you meet?
Um...a bar...Club Axis.
2. How long did you date before you were married?
1 1/2 years.
3. How long have you been married?
We just celebrated 4 years - and it seems like a lifetime! haha.
4. What does he do that surprises you?
Once in a while he will have dinner ready or be cooking when I get home. Not much. He use to be very cutsy like this but has stopped. So sad.
5. What's your favorite feature about him?
His tan skin (as long as you don't see his butt, he is always tan! and don't be looking at his butt!)
6. What's your favorite quality about him?
His willingness to listen to me complain all the time and being so helpful with all of "our" projects around the house.
7. Does he have a nickname for you? What is it?
8. What's his favorite color?
I honestly don't know. Not one of our common topics of conversation. Probably blue??
9. What's his favorite food?
I definitely know what he doesn't like, but not sure what his favorite food is. Geez I feel like a jerk not knowing a lot of these questions.
10.What's his favorite sport?
He doesn't get into sports much - that should have been what I put for my favorite thing about him. He will watch football sometimes if his friends invite him, so probably foot ball.
11.Who said "I love you" first?
I did, over text, I know LAME.
12.When and where was your first kiss?
Our first date, the day after we met, outside of the car when I was dropping him off.
13.What are your favorite things to do as a couple?
We don't like to do much as a couple, that is why we fight so much! So I would have to say watch TV.
14.Do you have kids? How many?
One in the oven!
15.What's a hidden talent that he has?
He is a great cook!!
16.How old is he?
17.What's his favorite type of music?
Rock & Roll but listens to lots of different things.
18.What do you admire most about him?
He is a hard worker!
19.What's his favorite past time?
Once again, no idea. I suck.
20.Do you think he's going to read this?
Even better, I KNOW he wont! He has never looked at my blog and probably never will. I wish he did though.
I tag Becky, Snort, Ashlie (payback...haha).