Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Last Week

So I have had a busy last week. First, we've been telling everyone the good news and it's been a little exhausting. On Tuesday I went to lunch with Kelly, Payton, Dal, Linda, Jenny and Bailey. Then we went to the park and played and Heidi and Mia came over. It was a lot of fun. I told them I was preggers at lunch and they were really excited. I was fun. Here are some cute pics.
Bailey and Mia - such cute girls!
Heidi and Mia

Jenny, Linda, Dal, Kelly

Payton and Bailey

Payton feeding the birds and Bailey feeding herself. Obviously the popcorn was too good to give to the birds.

On to other things, yesterday was our 4 year anniversary. I can not believe we were married four years ago! We went to a movie (Hancock)and dinner and did some shopping. It was fun but I got so so so sick during the movie that I thought I was dying. Then dinner and shopping wasnt so bad but I got so sick driving home. I was dizzy and so sick to my tummy : (

Happy Anniversary Baby! I love you! Hard to think how much our lives will change next year at this time!

So baby news...There are pros and cons to being pregnant. Cons - I have been so sick for all of you who keep asking. I feel like I'm going to barf a lot and I can't sleep at night. I'm having a hard time getting even half of the protein I'm suppose to have and I'm eating all protein rich foods but meat and that isn't going to change. I'm so gassy and it makes me miserable.

Pros - My boobs are getting huge! I love it. I think that is really the only benefit other than I know I have a baby in me, so it makes it all worth it! Oh, and Jer is being really cute. He is taking care of me an listening to me complain about twenty times a day that I'm going to barf. He also went shopping with me and helped me get some healthier food in the house. He is really supportive and cute - which is definitely a pro! I hope it stays this way!


~Tana~ said...

Happy Anniversary! I can't believe it has been 4 years. What a fun way to start your next year with a new arrival on the way. Hopefully you won't feel like barfing the whole time! Love Ya!!!

The Hawkins Gang said...

Your boobs will be as big as mine soon! LOL If I ever get prego, my boobs will be as big as your head! LOL jk... Congrats on the four years, that is awesome!! Love you guys!

Linda said...

It was fun going to lunch and the park -- next year at this time there will be one more of us! I'm very excited!

The Blakes said...

That was so much fun! Thanks for inviting me. Happy anniversary!