Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bracken Shane Wootton

Bracken Shane Wootton
March 15th, 2009
7 lbs 13 ounces
18 inches long

Welcome to our family, little one!!

So, I went into labor on Saturday night at 230. After an hour of contractions that weren't consistent but hurt like hell and were between 2-5 minutes apart I woke up Jer. We stayed home for a bit then went to the hospital at 530. They took me in and checked me. I was very thin but only dialated to a 1. They gave me my epidural very quickly, probably because I was screaming during the contractions! I didn't know it could hurt so bad! Then at 730 my doc came in and broke my water and started me on Pitocin. I dilated very quickly after that, but then I got really sick. I was shaking really bad and had a fever, was sweating, was nauseated, and so out of it. The babie's heart rate dropped so they stopped the pitocin and got me back under control. My blood pressure had dropped extremely low so they had to keep putting me on oxygen, but after that one time, it wasn't too low. Once we were feeling better they put the pitocin back on.

After another couple hours of being miserable and so sick I was finally dilated to a 10. So we started pushing and after 15 minutes, they made me stop while we waited another 15 minutes for my doc to get there and get dressed. After he was there I pushed for less than 5 minutes, probably only about 5 times and Bracken had arrived! I was in the pushing stage for only 35 minutes and I wasn't pushing for half of it, so that was better than I had hoped for!

Total, I was in labor for 12 hours and 15 minutes. It wasn't too bad considering what came out of me! I am doing well now, just very sore. Bracken is so adorable and loves to be held. He won't let us put him down - not even at night. So, we don't really sleep. This is going to be a problem.
Here are a bunch of pictures. I have a ton more, but I will do a slide show later to add them.

Jer is such a good daddy and has been helping out so much. He is really good and comforting him and it is so cute to see! Thanks hunny for all you do!
Thanks for everyone's support!! Love you all!


Matt and Mandy said...

We were all so excited to hear that you weren't at school on Monday!!! Congratulations on your sweet little one. He is adorable, and I love the name! Have fun being a mommy! Hopefully you will be able to get some sleep soon.

The Harrison's~ said...

Oh how exciting!!! he is so precious, it is crazy to see him finally and that you are a mommy now!! I want to come up and see you and him!!! im just full of giggles cuz im so happy for you!!! love ya!!

Stefanie said...

Yay!! Congratulations, what a cutie!

~Tana~ said...

Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you! I am glad that he was born safe and sound. He is such a cutie!

The Ropers said...

sooo sooo cute! I love the pics! I will have to come by and see him when you start wanting company! Ha. Congrats you two on such a beautiful little miracle!

The Blakes said...

I can't believe you had him when I am in Cali! We will have to come by and see him when I get back! He is so adorable! Congratulations!!!

The Hawkins Gang said...

He is so freakin cute! I'm proud of you for having him! I'm glad everything is coming together! Love you and Bracken!!!!

Harrison Family said...

He is so adorable! I'm so happy he's finally here! You guys are going to be great parents!!