Thursday, April 9, 2009

BaBy BrAcKeN

Hello to all! For everyone who keeps asking...things are going well! It is so freaking hard being a mom and I am completely overwhelmed most of the time, but I also love it. Everyone says it is hard, but you don't really understand how hard until it happens to you! And he is pretty fussy some days and just doesn't sleep well at nights, so that is really hard on me. I love seeing him grow (he is so big already) and all the little developments and changes in him. At his two week appointment he had grown almost a pound putting him at 8 lbs 11 ounces and 21 inches, which means he grew about 3 inches! That is crazy and I can tell he is even bigger since then. We take tons of pictures, so I am adding another slide show. I am slightly obsessive with taking pictures, I know, but he is so cute that I can't help it.


The Hawkins Gang said...

I can't believe how much he has changed. He looks a lot like Jeremy! Holy crap... so freakin cute!!!

Harrison Family said...

Oh my goodness I just love his chubby cheeks! I just want to kiss them! He is so cute! I can't wait to see him again and you of course :)!

Stefanie said...

Awwww he is so adorable! I can't belief he is already growing so quickly! I hope he starts sleeping better so you can get some rest. Thanks for the comment about my ring.

~Tana~ said...

He is so precious! You have some cute pics in there. There are a few good ones of you and him.

Steve said...

Very cute. Love the name Bracken as well!

The Harrison's~ said...

omg..he is so cute!! ya he is getting big but he still is itty bitty...cant wait to come up to visit!!!